

1108 Uppsatser om Urban renewal - Sida 1 av 74

Stadsdelsförnyelse i Norra Björksätra, Sandviken

The housing estates in the outskirts of Sandviken, consist of relatively large scale apartment buildings. This report, that is a B.A. thesis at 10 Swedish university points, aims to investigate and describe the opportunities to improve safety and security for inhabitants in Norra Björksätra. The purpose with this report is to make Norra Björksätra to a more attractive place to live in, by changing the negative trends in the area. Since demolition of at least some of the houses could be of current interest in some years; the purpose is also to investigate whether demolition or renewal of the area is the best solution.

GULLBERGSKAJ ? PARADIS? En exposé över drömmarnas kaj

The purpose of this graduate thesis is to illustrate what could be theeffects of Urban renewal carried out in a too hasty manner, the pointbeing that there could be features which have (yet) not been identifiedand therefore are lost if the planning of the city is not given theadequate amount of time and resources.Through a case study located at the wharf of Gullberg (Gullbergskaj)the significance of urban fringes and areas without too strict of aplanning are highlighted. Some guidelines to successful and consideratecity development are somewhat suggested.The survey is mainly based on two types of sources: contemporaryphotography and interviews with a number of people who are allresidents or tenants at the Gullbergskaj. Their testimonies regardingGullbergskaj and their use of this particular environment are used to drawconclusions of the qualities, which are not the typical cultural-historicalqualities but rather a quality defined by the user (of the quay), held by thissection of the Göta älv shoreline.This thesis is also concerned with the potential impact on the qualities ofGullbergskaj, was it to be the object of city renewal.The results of the study are compared to debating articles published in thenewspaper Göteborgs-Posten for a wider understanding of Gothenburg as atrademark, and the public opinion regarding the city planning related toCentrala älvstaden..

Gentrifieringsprocessen : Omvandlingen av nedgångna till attraktiva stadsdelar

Title: The process of gentrification ?the transformation of declined neighbourhoods into attractive ones Gentrification = ?A social process of change where people with high socioeconomic status move into neighbourhoods which traditionally has been dominated by people from the lower classes or from ethnical minorities.? (Nationalencyklopedin 2010).In many cities around the world, disinvested neighbourhoods become the place to be, where everything happens. This usually occurs when different social groups, such as bohemians, homosexuals and artists, move into a declined and disinvested neighbourhood. After a while, people from the middleclass move in to the area due to its increased attractiveness, and start to renovate their properties. This usually leads to higher rents, which force some of the original inhabitants to leave the neighbourhood.

Vasaparkens nya kläder : en studie av ett förnyelseprojekt i förhållande till platsens historia

In 2007 the project with the renewal of the Vasa Park in Stockholm won the Siena Prize. The architects responsible for the project described how they aimed for upgrading the park within its historical framework. Since the project was a renewal and not a restoration of the park, I thought it would be interesting to study how the architects proceeded with this work. The aim of this essay has therefore been to examine how the last renewal of the Vasa Park has chosen to approach the history of the place. To understand the historical development of the park and how the renewal project was carried out, I started with a literature survey consisting of books, the program of the renewal and articles about the project.

Projektorganiseringen som drivkraft och hinder för industriell förnyelse i byggindustrin : en fallstudie av Skandionkliniken

Understanding how innovation and renewal occurs in an industry is important for how to manage technical development for individual companies. It is also important for creating a beneficial industrial context for renewal, from both a political and an industrial perspective, in which new solutions can arise and spread through the involvement of several actors of the industry. How innovation and renewal occurs in the construction industry in Sweden is however viewed differently. One challenge that has been pointed to is that most of the work performed in the construction industry is organized in projects, which in turn should affect how innovation and renewal can be achieved. The aim of this thesis is to provide an understanding of how the project organizing in the industry affects innovation and renewal. This is executed through a case study of the construction of Skandionkliniken, a proton therapy clinic, and by using an industrial network theory that challenges the traditional view of how innovation is achieved.

Stationsområde i Landskrona : En studie om exploateringen av jordbruksmark, stadsutveckling och stadsstyre med Landskronas stationsområde som exempel

In this essay a proposal of city renewal is made for the new train station area built on highly productive agricultural land in Landskrona. The proposal is based on how the situation for the agricultural land in terms of exploitation looks like today and also on theories of urban governance to find out why the area turned out the way it did..

Att våga förnya för att förmedla : Förnyandet av den moderna sakrala konsten sett ur tre konstverks uppkomst tagna från konstprojektet "Kyrkorummet"

In this essay the renewal of the modern sacred art has been examined through the creation of three works of art from the art project ?Kyrkorummet?. The aim has been to show that renewal of the modern sacred art is best accomplished by the combination of the artist history and Bible knowledge and the open mindness of the beholder towards the new and creative, in order to communicate the gospel in modern time.The large extend of the art project demanded a selection of the art works. Therefore, three were chosen and they show the last supper and the baptism in a renewal way including both symbolism and creativity. To complete and facilitate the analyses, a theme, light and water, have been used as well as relevant theories in art history with Kandinsky as main art critic.Through the art project and it?s teaching, history in combination with present time through visits in different and modern churches, thoughts have been stimulated and the result has been new works of art that speaks of our time.

Stationsområde i Landskrona - En studie om exploateringen av jordbruksmark, stadsutveckling och stadsstyre med Landskronas stationsområde som exempel

In this essay a proposal of city renewal is made for the new train station area built on highly productive agricultural land in Landskrona. The proposal is based on how the situation for the agricultural land in terms of exploitation looks like today and also on theories of urban governance to find out why the area turned out the way it did..

Layers of land : the palimpsest concept in relation to landscape architecture

This paper researches how the palimpsest concept is used in relation to landscape, and how it can function as a tool within landscape architecture. Palimpsest originally refers to old parchment handwritings, where new text has been applied on top of effaced, but still discernable, earlier writing. Superimposition of information is the core of the palimpsest concept, used within a range of scientific as well as cultural fields. The purpose of this paper is to find how a landscape palimpsest can be distinguished among the many different layers of landscape, such as historical or cultural, and to examine the potential use of the concept in theory and practice of the landscape architecture field. The study is conducted as a literature survey, examining the use of the palimpsest concept within academic works related to landscape.

Från gräsmatta till äng - en studie i urban landskapsvård

Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen i Kulturvård, Landskapsvårdens hantverk, 15 hp, 2012.

Den fungerande stadsplaneringen : En studie i uppfattningar och effekter av torget och dess påverkan på demokrati

In this undergraduate thesis you will venture on a journey through the land of democratic values and urban planning. My research question is stated as: whether or not urban planning can show effects on democratic values and whether or not the municipalities in Sweden takes these possible effects into account when planning their city centres. You will in my theory part of this thesis be able to read about different views on urban planning and on democracy. Famous authors like Robert D. Putnam and Richard Florida will be examined as well as other theorists on democracy and urban planning.

Urban vindkraft i Malmö

Sverige är ett föregångsland när det gäller miljöarbetet men har inte tillhört de ledande länderna på vindkraftsområdet. Vindkraftsproduktionen i den urbana miljön är sällsynt på den svenska marknaden. Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka vad som menas med urban vindkraft, belysa vilka problem och hinder finns för vidare utveckling och berätta om framtidsplanerna för urban vindkraft i Malmö. Vidare försöker jag även redogöra för vilken påverkan urban vindkraft har på vårt samhälle. Uppsatsen grundar sig på analys av artiklar som behandlar urban vindkraft, studier av rapporter samt intervjuer med ansvariga för dem olika projektet som pågår i Malmö idag.

Urban Exploration och jag : Meningsskapande på övergivna platser

Urban Exploration går ut på att utforska övergivna platser. Uppsatsens syfte är att beskriva fenomenet och att diskutera det utifrån ett kulturarvs- och ungdomskulturperspektiv. För att kunna göra detta argumenterar jag, med utgångspunkt i litteraturstudier, för att Urban Exploration bör ses som ett uttryck för senmodernitet, med de särskilda förutsättningar för identitetsskapande och världsuppfattning som det innebär för individen. Som källmaterial har det Urban Exploration-utövarna själva skriver om sin verksamhet på olika Internetsidor använts. Min slutsats är att individen genom att fylla platsen med subjektiv mening skapar dels ett kulturarv, dels sig själv som ett politiskt och historiskt subjekt..

Urban odling - exemplet Varvsstaden i Malmö

Detta examensarbete i landskapsarkitektur behandlar ämnet urban odling med avsikten att identifiera vilka möjligheter och begränsningar det finns med odling i staden. Målet med examensarbetet är att uppnå en större förståelse och kunskap inom detta ämne. Varvsstaden i Malmö har valts som ett exempel för att illustrera hur odlingar skulle kunna implementeras i en central stadsdel som är under utveckling.Litteraturstudier har legat till grund för en kunskapsöversikt av olika aspekter av urban odling. En kvalitativ miniundersökning har utförts för att ta reda på hur nyckelpersoner i Malmö från de tre kategorierna; politiker, tjänstemän samt brukare ser på urban odling och dess möjligheter och begränsningar. Kunskapsöversikten om urban odling i allmänhet och beskrivningarna om Varvsstaden i Malmö har fungerat som underlag till idéskisser för hur odling i Varvsstaden skulle kunna se ut.Resultatet av examensarbetet visar på att det finns många möjligheter med urban odling och att det finns mycket att vinna genom att odla i staden.

Urban Village Järna

Projektet handlar om att möjliggöra förändringar och att gestalta generella rum..

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